About Me

We are Neil, Suzi, Jasmine, Jack and Dougal (our border collie x labrador pup). We live in Perth, Western Australia. Ahh not anymore! We are now residing in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Jasmine's 7th Birthday

These pictures were taken on Jasmine's actual birthday which is on the 2nd Feb 2009. We had a lil picnic in the park around the compound where we are staying..

Jasmine had her birthday party 2 weeks after her actual birthday at one of the play center in one of the malls here in Abu Dhabi called Al Raha Mall. Jasmine and all her friends had a ball at the party. They have been entertained by a funny clown who likes to kiss them with her huge lips whenever they did not listen to her insturctions..

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